Other vertical gardens

Other vertical gardens

Benetti vertical gardens are natural and maintenance-free!

Vertical gardens are harvested in full respect of the environment without damaging the vegetation. They are mounted on PVC panels, easy tolay,and live well with anambient humidity between 30% and 70%.


Benetti JAVA

A collection designed for those a seeking a truly natural-looking green look for their indoor space

In Benetti JAVA the different essences are mixed, creating an effect of great visual impact!

Technical data sheet

Benetti SPRING

Imagine a lush wall, where the strength of lichen is combined with the variety of foliage

Depending on your desires, the foliage can be more or less dense, evenly distributed or create striking solids and voids. There is no limit to what you can achieve.

Technical data sheet


It has the same charm as the hills disappearing into the horizon this composition that plays on different essences and shades of green

Benetti MILLENNIUM, obtained through the combination of Moss, At-moss-sphere, Leafage and Java, is the ideal Collection for the designer who can design infinite solutions to make his project unique.

Technical sheet


The beauty of a wall covered in ivy, evergreen and perfect, is not a dream: it is Benetti LEAFAGE

BENETTI LEAFAGE is a maintenance-free natural vertical garden! Benetti LEAFAGE is harvested in full respect of the environment without damaging the vegetation. Benetti LEAFAGE is mounted on PVC panels, easy to install, and lives well with an ambient humidity of between 30% and 70%.

Technical sheet